Every 10 years the government counts our communities to determine how much money to give you for services and resources. Being counted correlates to political representation and public resources.
The Census begins soon.
You’ll get an invitation to participate by April 1st. There are three options to respond: online, by mail or by phone. You can complete your census form as soon as you get it
Oregon Coast Community Action wants every Oregonian to be counted.
Those experiencing homelessness, hunger and other financial difficulties often don’t get counted because we’re struggling to make ends meet — stretching our dollars and time to balance work, kids and life. But when we’re not counted, our communities don’t receive the resources we need. So we have to help each other and make sure we get this done. We are in this together!
The Census affects programs that matter to us.
The census matters to our families and communities. Being counted translates to meals in our kids’ schools, SNAP (sometimes called food stamps) and WIC dollars to spend at grocery stores, housing and utility assistance, and much, much more. Complete the 2020 Census to make sure you’re counted!
Census information directly translates into critical services we depend on like:
Federal Direct Student Loans
SNAP food assistance
Highway planning and construction
Federal Pell Grant Program
Section 8 Housing Vouchers
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Low Income Housing Loans
National School Lunch Program
Special Education Grants
Head Start
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
Foster Care
Health Care Centers
School Breakfast Program
Public and Indian Housing
Unemployment Insurance Administration
Adoption Assistance
Crime Victim Assistance
Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse
Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities
Business and Industry Loans
Career and Technical Education Grants
Native American Employment and Training
Oregon Coast Community Action is partnered with #WeCountOregon to help Oregon get an Accurate Count.
#WeCountOregon is a community-led effort working to ensure that every Oregonian- especially those considered hard-to-count complete the 2020 Census. Hard-to-count communities include people of color, children under five, renters, immigrants, people with limited English proficiency, multiple-family homes, Native tribal and urban communities, disabled people, and LGBTQ individuals. It’s critical that ALL Oregonians are counted, remain visible, and participate in our democracy.
Like #WeCountOregon on Facebook or follow on Twitter
Coos and Curry 2010 Census
In the 2010 Census our most under counted communities in Coos and Curry Counties were located in the southern part of Curry County and Bandon with only a 40-50% response rate! Followed by Charleston, Barview and Lakeside with only a 50-60% response rate! Overall Coos only had a 62-68% overall response rate and Curry only had a 50-56% response rate! That means that nearly half our communities members were not counted!!!!
How can you help Oregon get counted?
Ask your friends and Family to Compete the census today!
Support education by sharing accurate census information via social media!
When you post to social media, please include the #WeCountOregon hashtag! Additional hashtags to incorporate:
#2020Census #Census #OregonCounts
#CensusDay #WeCount #OregonCensus2020
#ContemosOregon #April1CensusDay #WeCountOregon2020
#CensusIs$ #CensusIsPower
Visit one of our partners for additional information on the 2020 Census
Oregon Food Bank