Housing Stabilization Services
*Updated 8/12/24
ORCCA's Housing Stabilization Program currently has Rental and Deposit Assistance funding available to serve households, up to one time per household in a 12-month period.
Coordinated Entry:
Funding is limited and financial assistance is not guaranteed. To ensure a fair and equitable process all requests for assistance will be entered through Coordinated Entry. Coordinated Entry is a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are assessed for, referred, and connected to housing and
assistance based on their strengths and needs. Contact and demographic information for individuals/households applying for assistance may be maintained on the Coordinated Entry by-name list until which time it is removed.
How do I qualify?
Must meet income eligibility.
Must be homeless or at risk of homelessness or actively fleeing Domestic Violence (documentation required).
Due to funding restrictions we will not assist with: Unmanaged single room occupancy, halfway house, drug rehabilitation, rent to own, hotel/motel vouchers, car repairs, birth certificates, gas vouchers
How do I get help?
The first step to getting help is to fill out an application. Please remember to read the checklist of what other documents we need with your application. Checklists are at the top of the Online Application and on the first page of the paper application. Paper applications or other documentation needed with your online or paper application can be emailed to housing@orcca.us
We highly recommend you come to our office for an assessment by a housing specialist to see what we may be able to help you with. Housing Assessments are the entry point to all ORCCA housing programs. They are also connected to other housing opportunities and homeless services in Coos and Curry Counties.
Click here for more information on how to contact us and our hours of operation
Other Resources
If you have a court summons, please contact the Eviction Defense Project: https://oregonlawcenter.org/eviction-defense-project/ or by calling 888-585-9638
If you have benefits from the Oregon Department of Human Services, please call your Family Coach or call ODHS Self-Sufficiency Office: Coos County: 541-808-6155 or Curry County: 541-469-9299
Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Have you or a loved one served in the US Military? If so you may qualify for our Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program. This program can provide deposit and short-term rental assistance. Please make sure to indicate your veteran status during your Housing Assessment or on your Application for Services.
To see if you qualify for assistance please contact us
Are you a landlord who wants to help families and community members in need?
With your help, we can take a family, veteran or community member off the streets and place them into one of your vacant units. Please contact us at (541) 435-7080 for more information.
Your donation goes a long way. Please consider donating to help keep a family, veteran and/or community member housed.
ORCCA conducts business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Act and all state and local fair housing laws.