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At Oregon Coast Community Action we rely on the generous support of our community to help close the gap when funding and grants fall short. All donations are directly used to provide essential and support services to our neighbors in Coos, Curry and Western Douglas Counties. 



One way to help us meet the ongoing need for food, warmth, education, and shelter in Coos, Curry, and Western Douglas is to become an Oregon Cost Community Action Contributor. Contributors are more than just supporters. They are a special group of donors who support the Oregon Coast Community Action on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly, or semiannually.


For example, a reoccurring gift of $65 can support a child in foster care for an entire month or provide 450 pounds of food to families who would otherwise go hungry.

Becoming a Contributor has a lasting impact on the lives of others and helps ensure that Oregon Coast Community Action can continue to feed hungry families and children, help with electric bills, keep families warm, and provide housing assistance to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

If you have any questions please call 541-435-7080 ext. 232 or following the link below.

Donate Money

Donate Food

Other Ways to Donate


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Note to Contributors: 
Oregon Coast Community Action is a 501(c)(3) organization and, therefore, qualifies to receive these donations. All donated items will be used in compliance with the IRS regulations governing product donations. Adequate records are maintained and are available to the IRS on request.”  EIN 93-0547036 


The amount of contribution that is deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes is limited to the excess of the amount of any money (and the value of any property other than money) contributed by the donor over the value of the goods or services provided to the donor. This is your receipt.  Gifts to ORCCA may be deductible.  Please consult a tax advisor. 
Oregon Coast Community Action requires this form for all donations over $250 or any donation over $75 if the donor receives goods or services in return for the contribution. 

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