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Family Finding of Coos and Curry Counties

CASA of Coos and Curry Countie's Family Finding program's focus: every child needs, deserves, and can have, a permanent family support system. Family Finding also supports that families should have input and help make decisions in their relative child’s future. Our team approach helps provide the child with the best life outcomes in the best interest of the child.

The Family Team

Happy Family

Program staff work with a family-based team to problem solve and secure long-term connections for children in foster care. Our main goal is to improve a youth’s life by increasing their family connections. We do this by inviting family and close friends who care for the child to meet as a team and help make plans based on the child and the family’s needs.

We encourage family members to help us locate other family and friends who may want to help in this venture. The outcome of this activity is that we increase the number of people who are connected to the child, thus increasing the number of potential resources available for the child. The resources we seek include love, attention, belonging, family roots, etc.

A Message from our Family Finder

Home is a place where everyone has a seat at the table. 

Connections are where we learn love, tolerance, acceptance, and value. 

A Family Finder is a special person who reaches out to familes, letting them know that thier input is valuable, that they are wanted, valued, and loved. 

I promise to keep looking for you until you realize you are needed and welcome at this table. Please bring your wisdom, love and open hear to this amazing party! 

I am excited to speak with you and welcome you home! 

Kendra Williams - Family Finding Specialist

CASA of Coos and Curry Counties

Oregon Coast Community Action

Image by Patty Brito
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